Social media graphics & initial key art for Impermanence, an upcoming feature-length film from director & writer Abbigail Huynh. Follow the film's official Instagram page here.
hu the zine
Layout for spreads for hu's Year of Intimacy. Includes the Mauve, Blush, and Crimson zines.
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the blush zine ("the sensual").
From the mauve zine ("the erotic").
From the mauve zine ("the erotic").
From the crimson zine ("other matters of the heart").
From the crimson zine ("other matters of the heart").
An ongoing personal design challenge I gave myself to explore & experiment more, in hopes of discovering possibilities to combine the bold with the functional. 

Days 1-10 focused on experimenting with poster designs.
Days 11-20 will focus on experimenting with branding & visual identity.
Days 21-30 will focus on UI/UX & interaction design.

See 30things happen in real time on my Instagram page.
Day 1.
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 4.
Day 5.
Day 5.
Day 6.
Day 6.
Day 7.
Day 7.
Day 8.
Day 8.
Day 9.
Day 9.
Day 10.
Day 10.

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